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H.R. Mason is an Ohio girl transplanted into the Pacific Northwest. She is a people watching introvert who can be found hiding out in the nearest corner. When not writing, she loves rainy days at the beach, old houses and antiques, researching family history, reading, and getting lost inside her own thoughts. She is a lover of caffeine and a hopeless romantic at heart. A multi-published author in the Romance genre, she moved into new writing territory in 2019 when she crossed genres. Nothing Hidden Ever Stays, her debut Gothic Suspense novel, became an Amazon bestseller. It was also the Winner of the American Fiction Award, and a Finalist in the Best Book Awards.
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"Those who tell the stories rule society"
My books are available online, and locally at Seasons Coffee in Ridgefield, WA, as well as at Vintage Books in Vancouver, WA and on their website
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